Frans Indongo
Frans Indongo Trust
The Frans Indongo Trust serves as the Frans Indongo Group’s philanthropic arm, with a dedicated focus centred on education and community development – activities that Dr Frans Indongo values as pivotal for Namibians to rise out of poverty and contribute to the nation’s socioeconomic profile. Despite his self-taught business acumen, Dr. Frans Indongo strongly advocates for quality education and its power to create equal opportunities. His journey from humble beginnings to building a successful business empire employing over 1000 Namibians exemplifies the transformative potential of entrepreneurship.
In times of crisis, we know that securing lives and livelihoods makes a world of difference to ensuring that societies emerge unbroken. That’s why the Frans Indongo Trust has contributed to national emergency relief efforts over the years, with millions having been spent on supporting national drought relief and health relief efforts.
Countless examples exist of our drive to shape today for a more resilient tomorrow, with much support being provided on a needs basis for community relief efforts. As a Group with a vested interest in food security and promoting a healthy nation, being able to support national and community efforts in trying times is not only a social responsibility, it is deeply ingrained in how we operate.